Quinto y último programa de la serie de recopilatorios dedicados a 2015:
Motörhead "Killed By Death"
Girschool "Take It Like A Band"
Hardcore Superstar "Party 'Till I'm Gone"
Backyard Babies "I'm On My Way To Save Your Rock'n'Roll"
Rockzilla "Leave Me My Soul"
The Answer "Aristocrat"
The Quireboys "The Hurting Kind"
Blackberry Smoke "Rock and Roll Again"
Graveyard "The Apple and The Tree"
Foo Fighters "Saint Cecilia"
Bonafide "Killer"
Casablanca "Re: Old Money"
Voodoo Circle "Devil Taker Me Down"
Eagles of Death Metal "Complexity"
Don Fernando "Running and Hiding"
Tank "Make A Little Time"
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