miércoles, 30 de enero de 2019

Playlist del lunes 28 de Enero de 2018

Kid Carlos Band "Big Legged Woman"
Traveling Wilburys "She's My Baby"
The Drive Band "Grinnin' In Your Face"
Delta Revelry "Gypsy Soul"
Sex Museum "Breaking the Robot"
Clutch "Weird Times"
Ocultos "Una Noche Mas"
Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow "I Surrender"
Seven Sisters "The Premonition"
Suckerpunch "Dirty Bitch"
Inferno "Como a Marionetas"
Deathkeepers "Rock This World"
F.K.Ü. "Nightmares In A Damaged Brain"
Asphyx "Into the Timewastes"

martes, 22 de enero de 2019

Playlist del lunes 21 de Enero de 2019

Thunder "Bigger Than Both of Us"
Tony Braschi "The Groove Goes On"
Down'n'Outz "One More Chance to Run"
Hällas "Repentance"
Bourbon "La Triste Realidad"
Straight Six "Black & Blue"
Powerage "Legion of the Dead"
Outlaw "Hell's Thunder"
Ice War "No Way of Turning Back"
Inferno "Ruega por Nosotros"
Snakeyes "Sign of Death"
Asphyx "It Came From the Skies"

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2019

Playlist del lunes 14 de Enero de 2019

Walter Trout "Me, My Guitar and the Blues"
George Hotte Miller "Look at the World"
Imperial Jade "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"
The Kleejos Band "Son of a Bitch"
Toxic "Never"
Inglorious "Freak Show"
Starbreaker "Pure Evil"
Purgatory "Jack"
Metal Church "Gillotine"
Overkill "Last Man Standing"
High On Fire "Spewn from the Earth"
Soilwork "Arrival"
Arch Enemy "Reason to Believe"